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News & Happenings

Ma Nature, Perspective & Thanks!

What a glorious morning we have to wake up to today…the rain seemed to give things a good rinse off and the morning sunshine glistened with fresh perspective. A perfect time for a walk! I took a new route today, same general area though different direction; allowing my thoughts to wander… Are we really working with Ma Nature or are we trying to outsmart her?  We have heard it said, “Nobody Fools Mother Nature!” I had the privilege of listening to Jack Varian earlier in the week give his take on where he’s been, where he is, and through his...

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Happy National Ag Day!

Have you hugged a Farmer today? This past week, more than ever, my appreciation has grown for what it takes to bring food to our tables. As many of you know, I made my first visit to the Seed Bank in Petaluma back in January and fell in LOVE with their store and all it represents.   Last month I planted my li'l seeds, making their new home in their special flat perfectly situated under my laundry room window so they would be tucked in safe from the cold and wind with plenty of warm sun. I watched every day for their...

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Chickens won't lay you say?

It has been told that aroma therapy relaxes the hens for easier laying. The essence also acts as natural insect deterrent! Looking for what to do with the last of your lavender, yarrow & rosemary blooms? Crush the dried flowers together and sprinkle in your hens laying boxes. For more interesting info on raising chickens naturally, check out the book, Fresh Eggs Daily, by Lisa Steele  

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