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News & Happenings — agritourism

It's a New Year on the SLO Co Farm Trail...

agritourism SLO County Farm Trail

It's a New Year on the SLO Co Farm Trail...

New Friends, New Places, New Beginnings! read all about it here...    

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A Thankful Tribute to the Hands that Nourish Us! 

Agriculture agritourism barbara spencer california olive oil Chef Matthew Roberts EVOO farm tours Farm Trails farmstead ed Kiler Ridge Olive Farm Kiler Ridge Olive Oil Locally Grown Locally Made Nature'ss Touch Nursery & Harvest olea farm talley farms fresh harvest The Groves on 41 Vicarious Ranch windrose farm Yvette Roman Photography

A Thankful Tribute to the Hands that Nourish Us! 

Thank you, to the hands that feed us... See tribute here

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Trail Times: Fall is in Full Swing

Adelaida Local Market agritourism california olive oil Chaparral Gardens couleur de la vie cuyama buckhorn Fair Hills Farms farmstead ed halter ranch Hambly Farms Kelpful Lisa Pretty Nature's Neighbor Radio Show nature's touch harvest & nursery The Groves on 41

Trail Times: Fall is in Full Swing

Bounty abounds out on the SLO County Farm Trail fall.  From the bleats of newborns, the knocking of walnuts, and the sounds of harvesting what will soon become liquid gold, lots is happening along the trail this season! Read all about it....

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FALL Trail Times

Adelaida Local Market Agriculture agritourism Avila Valley Barn Chef Matthew Roberts Dallidet Adobe & Gardens farm tours Farm Trails farmstead ed Gopher Glen Apple Farm Gopher Glen Apples History Center SLO holiday infusions kiss the ground KPRL Nature's Neighbor Radio Show San Luis Obispo County SLO Creek Farms The Groves on 41 Yvette Roman Photography

FALL Trail Times

Read all about the Pumpkin Contest winner, fall recipes, happenings and more here Recipe by Chef Matthew Roberts Image by Yvette Roman Photography    

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One Cow Apart on the SLO Co Farm Trail

agritourism Avila Valley Barn bee's knees fruit farm california olive oil composting EVOO farm tours Farm Trails farmstead ed giving tree family farm goats goats milk soap Gopher Glen Apple Farm Gopher Glen Apples Hartley Farms leo leo gelato Life Elements San Luis Obispo County talley farms fresh harvest Travel Paso vicarious ranch

One Cow Apart on the SLO Co Farm Trail

It would have to be hard to find a more perfect antidote to the COVID-19 crisis than spending time in the beauty and bounty of our local farms and ranches.  Whether its standing in a fragrant apple orchard, feeding a handful of hay to a hungry goat, or stirring a pot of preserves made with freshly picked berries-it's hard to stay worried, anxious, or melancholy, and impossible to feel isolated. Just ask Lynette Sonne. As founder of FARMstead ED, it's Sonne's job to organize outings for both tourists and townies who want to learn about everything from soap-making to soup-making,...

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