News & Happenings — agritourism
Paso Robles Wine Fest...and then some!
Ag Ed Agriculture agritourism barbara spencer bill spencer Education farm tours paso robles pop-up paso templeton hills beef the groves on 41 Travel Paso windrose farm
we are thrilled to be included in the elite group of "...and then some" in Diane Sukiennik's article in today's !
California AgTour Connections
agritourism farm tours Paso Robles pop-up paso
Folks gather at the Statewide Agritourism Conference in Woodland to share ideas, goals & objectives for new agritourism programs. FARMstead ED was there soaking it all in, as well as sharing how we do, what we do with our local farmers, ranchers & purveyors. For more information on more Agritourism operations throughout California, as well as more about FARMstead ED, click here.
A Quick Bite with FARMstead ED talking about the upcoming Great Western Bike Rally, Raising Healthy Chickens & Pasture to Plate classes
Ag Ed Agriculture agritourism alcea rosea farm barbara spencer bill spencer brigit binns Education garlic goats goats milk cheese Grass-fed great wester bike rally great western bike rally J&R natural meats nature's touch paso robles templeton hills beef windrose farm
Listen in as David & Lynette talk about upcoming events & classes...
Are you ready for juicy, just-picked heirloom bliss?
Ag Ed agri-cation Agriculture agritourism barbara spencer bill spencer farm tours farmstead ed hayley thomas heirloom tomato festival Organic farming paso robles tomatoes windrose farm
Two-day Windrose Farm Heirloom Tomato Fest features top chefs, orchard glamping and a whole lot of sheep BY HAYLEY THOMAS