2023 Apple Season is Upon Us!
So many varieties of apples to enjoy across the trail - make sure to check our our apple producers as they
kick off the start of the season:
Avila Valley Barn | Gopher Glen Apple Farm
SLO Creek Farms
From Gopher Glen Apple Farm: "Gravenstein Apples are in! Our first apple has made its' entrance and is now available at the farm stand. Better a little late than never! As far as we can tell, things are shaping up nicely out in the field with lots of fruit on the trees and color developing on the skin.
Graventsteins are an awesome kick off to the season with their superior crunchiness and balanced sweet to tart. As we get into the 2nd picking and later they become increasingly sweet making them perfect for an apple sauce with little to no added sugar."
Trail Times: What's Happening Along the Trail This Season
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