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Celebrate Women's History Month in SLO County

Enjoy SLO farm tours Farm Trails FARMstead ED SLO CAL SLO Co Farm Trail SLO County Farm Trail Travel Paso

Join Lynette Sonne On FARMstead ED's Farm Trail

Lynette created FARMstead ED in 2014 after having an aha! moment one day while riding horses on her friend’s cattle ranch. “People had been coming to me and asking questions like, ‘where did that great steak come from?’ and ‘where did you get that yummy honey?’ and ‘ah these salads are so great!’” Lynette realized that many people didn’t know the origins of SLO CAL's delicious foods were sourced from local family farms. And while Farm-to-Table has been a popular concept, most people weren’t getting out to the farms and didn’t know how the food was grown or who was even growing it. 


image by Brittany App                                              @Giving Tree Family Farm

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